Boards are often a couple of steps removed from your fundraising program. They often lack the experience, insight and knowledge of professional fundraisers and there are two critical issues at play here. The first is often (but not always) a board level lack of self awareness of their lack of knowledge (They don’t know what they don’t know). This can be frustrating for fundraisers who feel their professional experience isn’t acknowledged or understood.
The second, of course is that board members have governance level responsibility for the good stewardship of the organisation. How are we able to assist the board in fulfilling that responsibility with falling back on a limited number of KPIs that can be constraining and often don’t reflect the activity and function of the fundraising department.
The distance between board and fundraising teams need to narrow. Join us to understand how we can move towards this objective by increasing both board level confidence in their fundraising teams and fundraising team confidence in their boards