A dirty word amongst many fundraisers, that is actually a fantastic asset if you get it right.

A fundraising brand is so much more than just a logo.
Through conversations and workshops, we discover what makes your organisation tick. We learn who you are and where you want to go. Then we develop an elegant, unifying idea to express or develop your brand so that it pulls in supporters and service users.
Bringing it to life
To bring the unifying idea to life, we work on an alluring look and feel. As a creative agency, our approach is grounded in our experiences as fundraisers and activists.
As James Gleick says, ‘When information is cheap, attention is expensive.’ A strong brand helps people quickly judge what to expect, informing their decision to listen to your stories.
We create strong brands that create an emotional connection with your supporters to help them listen to your stories.
It is hard work, and it takes clear thinking. But we make it happen so that your brand sings the right notes.
How you present yourself
Your brand identity is how your organisation presents itself to your supporters, beneficiaries and staff.
It tells your audience who you are and what you’re about, and starts revealing your brand personality and values. It is important to get it right, as it sets the tone for how you want your audience to respond.
For example, Include a Charity wanted to appeal to a wide range of audiences. They wanted to present the brand as a movement and help shift how people think about leaving a gift in their Will. Through a series of consultative workshops, we helped design and launch a new logo, tagline, distinct look and feel and verbal direction for the 12 year old organisation.
The new tagline, “Make your mark”, and new logo design visualises the new identity and carries design features that are simplified and optimised for all communication channels.
You can read more about the IAC’s rebranding project on CMO.

Bridging the gap between perception and reality
The way you perceive your organisation may be different from what your supporters think and feel.. This misalignment can lead to issues with attracting and retaining supporters to your cause.
For example, we worked with Caritas Australia to reinforce their Catholic identity. We created a brand book with a clear, identifiable and consistent message that allows people to recognise shared values and connect with Caritas Australia through that values-based inspiration.
Copy, design and photography guidelines were carefully constructed to emphasise human dignity, promote shared values, and focus on people’s strengths and courage instead of their needs.
“[Marlin’s work ensured that] Caritas Australia could work on multiple campaigns and communication programs to multiple audiences whilst maintaining a sense of integration and consistency.”
– Helen Forde, CEO, Jesuit Mission (formerly at Caritas Australia)

Building brands that are relevant and appealing
Whether you want to reinforce your organisation’s perspective or extend your brand appeal to a new audience, we can help you to reach new goals.
For example, we worked with Life Educationto extend their brand appeal to new supporters and partnership groups. To achieve this they told us they needed the brand to stand independently of the organisation mascot, Healthy Harold.
We worked with them to develop a brand identity and system that could achieve this. Our work enabled the growing organisation to develop co-branded partnerships with commercial organisations without causing confusion or risking the integrity of the mascot.
With the use of social marketing, services marketing and supporter marketing, new audiences can be targeted to engage with your brand, and the investment can be measured and analysed.

Creating clarity
Understanding your organisation’s driving vision is key to any branding exercise. Using the brand pyramid framework, we work with you to discover what that is and then develop a unifying idea to express it with compelling creative to create an emotional connection with your stakeholders.
We can help you with:
- Brand identity including a complete rebrand, or a more considered brand refresh
- Brand development including brand book creation and guidelines
- Brand building including brand promotion through online and offline channels
- Brand archetype, character and tone of voice
You can count on our experience.
Over the last 8 years, we have helped bring clarity and strength to many Australian and New Zealand charities’ brands.
Our brand clients have included FIA’s Include a Charity, Barnardos Australia, Plan International Australia, Camp Quality, Jesuit Mission, Look Good Feel Better, Starlight Children’s Foundation, Life Education, CanTeen, Goodtel, The Smith Family and Caritas Australia.
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you on your branding project!
Let’s work together

Say hello to Karl
With over 15 years of experience as a strategist, I make it my mission to understand ambitions, get to the heart of a problem and work collaboratively to develop a solution. I would love to hear from you!