Integrated Campaign
Back to School 2018

This 2018 campaign was built on the foundations set by the development of a new Value Proposition for The Smith Family in 2015. We wanted to recruit thousands of new committed regular givers without using the face-to-face channel.
The sponsorship message we developed ‘End poverty, one student at a time’ helped to clarify the role of the donor and focus our communications objectives.
Our 2018 integrated campaign asked the donor to see themselves in the hero of the story – a mother dropping her child off to school.
The mother witnesses a child living in poverty, and refuses to look away.
The creative execution functions effectively by speaking directly to the audience as they too witness this interaction.
Don’t look away. If you do, nothing will ever change.
Need to recruit thousands more regular donors than the Face to Face channel could supply.
Creative that made the donor the hero (if they choose to act).
This campaign recruited thousands of new regular givers, at a cost per acquisition (CPA) lower than face-to-face.